Basic JSON Export
When you click Export as JSON from a rundown's Export menu, a modal will open.
You can click the copy to clipboard icon to copy the JSON or the download button to download the JSON file to your computer.
Custom JSON transform
If you do not want the default JSON as-is, you can transform the JSON output before you download. By checking the Transform output with JSONata option, you'll get a field where you can put a JSONata expression. Transformations will let you do things like:
Return a JSON object for each row
Filter out undesired columns
Create a custom column and control its values
Example JSONata expressions
Here are a few examples to get you started
// only export rows that have a blockId in the result
$[blockId != null]
// include only the scriptId and blockId columns in the export
"scriptId": scriptId,
"blockId": blockId
// create a custom column with the values from two others
"scriptId plus blockId": scriptId & ' - ' & blockId
π Please refer to the JSONata documentation to learn more about writing your own expressions.