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Leave feedback, pitch alts, write notes for yourself.

Alice DuBois avatar
Written by Alice DuBois
Updated over a week ago

Scripto lets you leave contextual comments on any script. They're good for feedback, notes, threads, alts, and perhaps most importantly: A channel for frivolous banter that isn't Zoom.


Comments in the script are indicated with an icon in the right margin and a pale orange highlight on the text. You can view comments contextually by clicking on a comment icon. This will open the comment pane where all the open comment threads live.

You can view the comments chronologically by clicking the comment count in the toolbar to open the comment history feed, which shows a list of open comments with the newest at the top.

Leaving a Comment

Highlight some text and the "+" buttons located in the right margin and in the upper toolbar will become active to create a new comment thread. When you submit your comment, it will show up instantly on everyone else's screen, and so will theirs on yours.

If a member is set to "read only", they will still have the ability to comment.

Opening a Comment Thread

There are two ways to open a contextual comment thread.

  • Click on the comment icon in the right margin

  • Click on a comment in the commend feed

If you have the comment pane open, clicking on any comment thread will scroll to the place in the script where that comment lives.

Responding to a Comment

Click on the comment thread you want to respond to, write your reply in the field and submit it by clicking the button or hitting enter.

💡Comments are a handy way to collect alts💡

Editing a Comment

Open a comment and click the ⋮ button next to the comment you want to change. Select Edit from the menu. Make your edits and hit Save.

👉 Note that you can only edit a comment if you wrote it. You cannot edit other people's comments.

Deleting a Comment

Open a comment and click the ⋮ button next to the comment you want to get rid of. Select Delete from the menu.

👉 Note that you can only delete a comment if you wrote it. You cannot delete other people's comments.

Resolving a Comment Thread

Click Resolve to make a comment or entire comment thread disappear. Resolved comments won't appear on the script but you can always reference them in the comment history feed up in the toolbar. (You can un-resolve a comment from there too.)

Comment History Feed

The comment history feed is a unified place to see all the open comments or resolved comments on a script.

In the toolbar, you'll see a comment count representing the number of open comments in the script. Click on it to open the comment history feed. A toggle in the top right lets you switch between a reverse chronological list of the open comments and a list of the resolved threads.

From the resolved comment view, you can un-resolve a resolved comment. This will change its status back to open and put the comment thread back where it originally was on the script.

If a thread in the list of resolved comments doesn't have an Unresolve button, that's because the text that the comment was originally attached to has been deleted. We call these "orphaned" comment threads and they cannot be unresolved.

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