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Picking a Script Format
Picking a Script Format

Studio or Screenplay...which type of script should you use?

Alice DuBois avatar
Written by Alice DuBois
Updated over 3 months ago

Script Formats

When you create a Studio TV or Screenplay workspace, your workspace will have our two more popular script formats: Studio and Screenplay.

(If you created a Video Game workspace, your workspace will have Ink Code and Game Script formats for you to choose from. If you'd like to use a custom format, please get in touch!)

Use Screenplay to write a standard teleplay.

Use Studio for scripts that will be shot live or live-to-tape in a studio using a teleprompter. 

These script types share many similarities, but they also have some important differences.

Script Block Types

A script is made up of text blocks, and every block needs to have a type. Both formats share many of the same block types, but each one has some that are unique, for instance you can only use Scene Heading and Action in the Screenplay format and you can only use Slug and Bracket in the Studio format.

📚Learn more about block types in Scripto here.

Script Timing

The length of audio and video clips can change the length of a Studio script dramatically. The standard "X pages = Y minutes" formula that give you a decent estimate for a sitcom or drama doesn't cut it. 

The Studio format has estimated timing to help you understand how long your script is likely to be.

📚Learn more about script timing and how it works here.

Prompter Integration

The Studio format has an option called Export prompter text that makes it easy to get the appropriate parts of your script into prompter. The Screenplay format doesn't have this option.

📚Learn more about getting your script into prompter here.

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