The Folder Browser is home to your workspace folders and documents. Folders appear in the top pane of the left side explorer panel and are ordered alphanumerically.
When you click on a folder, the documents inside that folder will be displayed in the bottom pane of the explorer panel. Documents are listed by last-updated date. Recently updated documents will be at the top of the list.
It's worth putting a bit of thought into how you want to organize your workspace's folders. A smart organizational strategy can make it faster to move between documents and easier to find what you need.
Scripto tips:
π‘ Start your folder names with numbers so you can put frequently-used folders first, even if they don't come first alphabetically.
In the example on the left, you have folders that people will rarely go into at the top of the list while the important folder you'll be using more often is lower down. Alphabetical order is not creating a useful folder order.
Because numbers come before letters in alphanumeric order, you can add numbers to the start of the folder name. In the example on the right, the number prefixes force the folders into a more useful order.
π‘ Keep frequently used folders at the top level of the workspace
There's no limit on how many levels of sub-folders you can set up. But it's a pain when a document you need to access 20 times during the day is buried four folders deep (e.g. Writers Room > Show Scripts > Season 5 > Episode #508)
We recommend having a top-level folder for any episode that you're actively working on. All the documents for the episode are quick to access and easy to move between. Once the show is done and you don't need to access the documents as frequently, then you can move the documents into deeper storage in an archive folder.